Category: Client growth

Looking to supercharge your business’ marketing in 2025?
Hi there, as well as offering my normal services, I have created a new package to get businesses up and running to do their own marketing! After

How to Audit your agency
Your creative agency might not be hitting the mark, it may just need a little housekeeping here and there but taking a step back and looking at

Power up your positioning
Positioning is more than just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental aspect of marketing that can make or break your business. At its core,

Getting started with Strategy
Strategy. Does the word fill you with dread or excitement?! It’s a word that is synonymous with business but can get so confusing depending on

What is “Agency Marketing”?
I didn’t realise until recently but I do agency marketing and we all talk about it but no one seemed to be talking about it explicitly or

Six months of GOALS
EXT MKTG turns three years old in June this year (2023) and to celebrate the milestone, of which I am so proud I’ve kept it going and

How to make your agency famous
PR is a wild world. Firstly, what is PR? Traditionally its public or media relations, where clever people who write brilliant copy have great

How to do your own marketing
As a business owner you are often tasked with big challenges and tough questions to answer, but in terms of not being happy about your level of

How to improve your new business efforts easily
A short while ago I hosted my second talk for the Agency Collective, a membership club for agency owners where we all support each other in

Amplify your marketing content!
Amplify! Six out of six – my final part of six sections to consider in your content strategy (recap: Set Goals, Know your audience, Niche