How to Audit your agency

Your creative agency might not be hitting the mark, it may just need a little housekeeping here and there but taking a step back and looking at your brand, it’s messaging and how you come across takes an editorial approach. 

It isn’t scary and it shouldn’t take long; but it’s something worth checking in with, every now and again.

Give yourself a score for the following categories (out of 10)

1- Branding

2- Website

3- Social Media Performance

4- Outbound Marketing Activities


Then looking at each topic separately;


  • Your brand identity- does it represent who you are and want to be?
  • How’s your strap-line/ headline/ summary?
  • Are you happy with how your brand is positioned? 
  • Happy with your brand colours? 
  • Is your branding consistent across all marketing/sales literature?


  • How’s your user experience? Can viewers find your services easily? Your phone number? 
  • How’s your copy?
  • How’s the impact of your brand coming across?
  • Is it up-to-date?


  • Are you posting?
  • Got a content plan? 
  • Is your brand presence consistent?
  • How’s the engagement? 


There are so many options within this; but some will 100% convert into new business generation for you, if done right. And if you’re outbound activity is minimal, then here’s just a great list for things to consider! 

  • Host your own events?
  • Awards?
  • PR?
  • Newsletters?
  • Networking events/ Expos/Conferences?
  • Social ads?
  • SEO?
  • SEM?
  • Podcasting? 
  • Writing lead gens?
  • Sustainability policies
  • Cool business cards 
  • Client / Prospect mailouts
  • Client gifts
  • Partnerships
  • Referral program
  • A ‘giving back’ initiative
  • Classic advertising


OK so looking at your score and then following the questions above, can you make those improvements yourself or within the team or do you need outside help? 

I do one-off audits and positioning workshops for my clients to help align what Founders want to say vs what they are saying. Drop me a line or book a call to find out more.