Six months of GOALS

EXT MKTG turns three years old in June this year (2023) and to celebrate the milestone, of which I am so proud I’ve kept it going and growing, I came up with the idea for a goals calendar. I know it’s not unique but I hope to help people.
So in the next six months; what do you want to achieve personally, for your business and creatively?
The reason I’ve come up with these 3 categories is down to how I clear my mind, set myself up for the day, week or month ahead and also, I’m starting to prioritise feeding my creative soul.
Make your goal setting a priority. The link goes through to a PDF template, but you can also use your notepad, stickies or virtual to-do lists. Let me know how you get on and if you want the file emailing over or even the artwork ready A2 version, email me! Always happy to help.