Amplify your marketing content!

Amplify! Six out of six – my final part of six sections to consider in your content strategy (recap: Set Goals, Know your audience, Niche down, measure everything, listen then amplify!).
If you’ve nailed the first five steps, then you’re well on your way but one last thing – put your content in the exact right place for your target audience, the people who are engaging with it, being advocates for your business, for your team- your biggest promoters and your target audience and where they specifically need to see your business name in lights.
The options for ‘amplifying’ or channels are endless;
1) Online – you’ve got social, SEO, PPC, email marketing, google/online ads, virtual events, virtual networking, online PR, WOMM, influencer marketing, partnerships, business listings/ directories and blogs
2) Offline – (took me longer to think of all these!)- physical post/ piece of content printed and delivered, guerilla marketing, advertising, print ads, TV, radio and in-person real life events!
To go back through all six parts – here’s where I’ve posted the first blog so you can scroll through at the bottom of each page: and you can also click back and forth through our articles at the bottom of the page.
And here’s a really great quote to inspire you to follow the steps;
“The thing about goals is that living without them is a lot more fun, in the short run. It seems to me, though, that the people who get things done, who lead, who grow and who make an impact… those people have goals.” — Seth Godin”
Where do you amplify? And what have you thought about the six sections I’ve gone through? Look forward to hearing your thoughts